Committee for the Scrutiny of the First Minister


Meeting Venue:
Stiwt Theatre



Meeting date:
19 July 2013


Meeting time:


For further information please contact:

Sian Phipps
Committee Clerk

029 2089 8582






1     Introductions, apologies and substitutions (9:45 - 9:50)



2     Major Infrastructure Projects in North Wales - Ministerial Scrutiny Session (9:50 - 11:30) (Pages 1 - 8)

·         Carwyn Jones AM, First Minister

·         James Price, Director General, Economy, Science and Transport

·         Michael Hearty, Director General, Strategic Planning, Finance & Performance



3     Open Mic Session (11:30 - 12:00) 

Opportunity for members of the public to put questions to Members of the Committee
